Bimbo UK

Bimbo, a Mexican multinational, is the world’s largest baking company, staff welfare is paramount.


The brief

As a company Bimbo takes its staff welfare seriously and with a large workforce worldwide, days lost through injury can cost them a lot of dough. Fountain was asked to create a series of posters that would be displayed in the factories over the course of a year highlighting workplace hazards.

Our response

While identifying the hazards it was important to communicate that the responsibility for safe work practice had to be actioned by the individual. With this in mind we created the theme ‘It’s in your hands’ and set a target of 365 days without serious injuries. Each poster had a series of related facts to drive home the dangers of non compliance. These bright, impactful designs were displayed on the factory floor, washrooms and dining tables in the staff canteens.

To keep staff focus on the campaign throughout the year a large chart was placed in the staff room and each day it would record the success of the campaign with a blue thumbs up for an incident free day or a red thumbs down for a incident day.

To find out more please contact us on +44 (0)1344 203 961 or

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